The Central Committee
The Stanislaus County Democratic Central Committee (aka Stanislaus County Democratic Party or Stan Dems) is an elected body that organizes the Democratic Party in Stanislaus County. Members are elected every 4 years on the US Presidential Primary ballot based on supervisorial district. Our purpose is to conduct the County Party’s general business, approve its budget, coordinate campaign activity, recruit and endorse Democratic candidates for office. Ex officio members are the Democratic Party candidates who received the highest number of votes in statewide or federal offices in the most recent primary election.
Meetings are held at 7pm on the FOURTH Wednesday of each month. We meet via Zoom and in-person at 417 N. 7th Street.
Any Stanislaus County registered Democrat (or those who would register as a Democrat when/if they become eligible) are welcome to attend these meetings as guests, or by joining as an Associate Member. Associate Members may not vote at these meetings, but are voting members in their assigned subcommittees.
The Central Committee does the following:
Recruits, trains, and endorses candidates
Charters democratic clubs
Sends voting delegates to party conventions
Coordinates campaign efforts for candidates and issues
Sponsors voter outreach and registration drives
Recruits volunteers to support candidates and issues

Central Committee Members
District 1
Linda Lagace is a non-native Californian, having moved here from New Jersey via Louisiana in 1986. Linda’s formal education has been in both technology and the social sciences. She has had a diverse job history, including working as a petrochemical engineer, an artisan distiller, and a hospice social worker. She has lived throughout California from Mendocino to Santa Cruz, Menlo Park, and Merced. Linda enjoys her retirement with her husband David. While no longer hiking the California wilderness, she enjoys photographing the beauty of the wildlife and wetlands of the Central Valley.
Marjorie Sturdy is a life-long resident and Progressive Democrat. She was fully activated by the 2016 Election results and since then has been highly involved in elections and Democratic activities in Stanislaus County. Marjorie was a founding member of the Modesto Progressive Democratic Club for which she currently serves as president. She has also been elected to be a California Democratic Delegate for 2 terms now. She’s been a member of the Central Committee since 2016.
Elizabeth “Lise” Talbott represents you as an elected member from District 1 and as Controller for the SCDCC. She also serves the community as a Waterford City Councilmember, and as your Executive Board member to the California Democratic Party from Assembly District 12. Additionally, she is the Political Activities Chair for the CVDC. Lise is a passionate advocate for community-based solutions to health, environmental, and racial equity. She's also married to the best husband in the world and mom to two awesome young men.
David Tucker spent his career as a civil engineer: 32 years as a consultant and 23 years in public service, ending as City Engineer of Merced for eight years. David serves as Treasurer of the Central Valley Democratic Club and has been a Central Committee member for more than ten years.
District 2
Victor Costa is the Vice Chair of the Stanislaus County Democratic Central Committee. Additionally, he is a founding member and current President of the Young Democrats of Stanislaus County.
Janet Smith is currently serving her first elected term on the Central Committee. She has lived in the Turlock and Denair area since 1992. She is involved with Be the Change Turlock, Modesto Progressive Democrats, and several other local Democratic clubs.
Margaret Souza
Michelle Tennell is the Secretary of the Stanislaus County Democratic Central Committee. She is an elected CDP Delegate for Assembly District 12 and the current President of the Central Valley Democratic Club. She is a teacher, lifelong Progressive Democrat, and the mother of three. She is committed to getting Democrats elected to local offices across our county, expanding the progressive coalition within the Democratic Party, and bringing more young people into the political process.
District 3
Amanda Duran
Sebastian Jones
Kevin McClarty
Antonio Madrigal is a Turlock native who now serving his second term on the Modesto City Council. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz, he served two terms on the Santa Cruz City Council. He currently serves on the Economic Development Committee and chairs the Appointments Committee. Tony serves on the boards of the King-Kennedy Memorial Center, Latino Community Roundtable, and South Modesto Businesses United.
District 4
Lisa Battista is a Modesto attorney and progressive Democrat. Her main areas of interest are fair and transparent elections, protecting the right to vote, increasing diversity in elected leadership, and building a bench of strong Democratic leaders in Stanislaus County.
Jocelyn Cooper
Patrick Kolasinski
Chris Ricci
Jessica Self
District 5
Sheree Lustgarten
Juan Vazquez
Renee Zumstein
Shivaughn Alves
Ex-Officio Members
Ana Caballero
Robert Chase
Cathleen Galgiani
Adam Gray
Josh Harder
Paulina Miranda
Alternate and Associate Members
Marco Camacho
Cathy Doo, alternate for Michelle Tennell, retired after 31 years from PG&E. Former utility electric estimator and utility construction & customer contact, active in Democratic politics since 2016. Member of SCDCC since 2019, she was very involved in Josh Harder's 2018 campaign to successfully flip CA10.
Cynthia Homen
Lisa Mantarro Moore
Michelle Pearson
Keristofer Seryani
Joe Souza is a long-time member of the SCDCC now serving as an Alternate for District 2. He is a past SCDCC officer having served as Treasurer, Vice-Chair and Chairman. Joe A is a founding member and Current President of the Turlock Democratic Club. A lifetime resident of the area. Joe A. is a graduate of Hughson High School and earned a BA degree from California State University Stanislaus. Joe is Married to Margaret Von Rotz Souza and they have two daughters and five Grandsons. Joe is a retired dairy farmer and has lived in rural Turlock for over 45 years. Joe has been involved in the Democratic party since the McGovern campaign in 1972.