Let’s Do This!
The huge number of calls and emails that have been flooding in show that enthusiasm is high in Stanislaus County. We’re so glad that you’re here and look forward to working with you to get Kamala Harris elected in November - along with a great slate of candidates for Congress, State Assembly, and local races. We look forward to introducing you to all of our candidates over the next few newsletters.
Some of the most common questions (and their answers) that are coming in to our volunteers are:
“How can I confirm that I’m registered to vote?” or “I moved/changed my name and want to register to vote.” or “I turn 18 soon, and want to be sure that I can vote in November.”
First, thank you for being a voter! The quickest way to check your voter registration information or to register to vote is to go to https://registertovote.ca.gov/. You can also call the Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters at (209) 525-5200.
“How can I get get involved/volunteer/join a club/make phone calls…”
There’s so many ways to get involved. Just click over to https://standems.org/events-page to see all the current volunteer opportunities, club meetings, and more. This calendar will be updated as new events are added.
You can also stop by the California Democratic Party’s regional campaign office at 1216 I Street, Modesto.